Genealogy Goals 2018

I love goal-setting. It's something to aim for, a way to stay on track and a way to assess progress. I was inspired by this blog and his review of last year's goals. My plan is to do the same in a year's time. So, here are my goals:

Scan the Morrison/Savage photographs

I just inherited a huge tub with albums and loose photos from my mom and dad. Not really inherited, more like, "hey, can I just take these?" Now, to scan and organize and share. Woo-hoo!

Transcribe the old German church records

I have many German baptismal records, etc. that are awaiting transcription. It's easy enough to figure out the name, name of parents, and date. The hard part and what I'm really excited about transcribing is all the names of witnesses (or maybe godparents?). There are lots of extended family members listed there. This is a very time-consuming project for me.

Example of one list of witnesses (Arnold Carl Gené, b. 1856 in Stettin)

Transition to Professional Genealogist

Okay, cats out of the bag. After nearly twenty years of personal research and a B.A. in Family History, I've decided to officially hang up a shingle and start as a professional. This goal has another entire sheet of associated goals. One of those is to join APG; also the NC chapter and start attending their monthly meetings.

Find Mystery Man (aka: my mother’s paternal grandfather)

I am still on a continuing quest to find my missing ancestor.  

DNA test my mother’s sibling(s)

I already have the test purchased. I just need to send it to one of them.  Probably my uncle.  I haven't seen either of my mother's siblings in over 35 years, so it's not like we're exactly close, but we're facebook friends, so there's that.


There are lots of volunteer opportunities outside the home and I just need to get started. I keep telling myself that I'll start after the next big project or event. Right now, it's getting the house ready for a reappraisal...

Pretty sure I can knock both these out with one stone. Once a week, share something about an ancestor. My plan is to blog once a week and then tweet it. Yes, I'm on twitter: @lhennessee. This project is straightforward enough and should be doable, but I know it's actually going to take extreme dedication on my part to pull it off.

Attend webinars (at least once a month)

There are lots of opportunities for free webinars out there. I'll plan to blog about some of these along the way, hopefully.

Cataloging the heirlooms

I have a bunch of inherited items. Mostly from my paternal grandma. I would love to take inventory and get down in writing the story behind each one.


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